That's an approximate number of unreached people on Earth. That's about 40 percent of the population who don't know how good God is. They don't know Jesus died for them. They don't get to praise God, pray to God, worship God.
Think of your life before you knew Christ.
3.2 billion people are just as lost.
How Movement City Approaches Missions
We believe all people deserve the chance to have a personal encounter with Jesus. God desires that all people would hear and know him (1 Tim 2:4).
God bless us to be a blessing.
God blessed you to be a blessing.
He didn't bless you just to stay inside Movement City walls.
He didn't bless you just to give a tithe and offering. He wants us - and you - to say, "Yes, Lord. Here am I. Use me."
Learn more about the global trips Movement City has planned.